Fairfield PFMB, PolyFil Micro Beads, 100 Expanded Polystyrene. PolyFil Micro Beads are used in some of the most popular decorative pillows on the market today. Use them to create your own pillows and stuffed animals. This fill performs best when combined with stretchy polyester fabrics to create ultrasquishy pillows and crafts. One bag fills 12 cubic foot. Micro beads made of 100 mini virgin expanded polystyrene beads. Not recommended for children under 5 years old. Care: Do not wash. Place micro beads in a removable bladder so the outer shell may be washed. Sold by the case, 5 per case DROP SHIP FREIGHT INTENSIVE Billable transportation charges for freight intensive items will be the greater of the dimensional weight compared to the actual weight. In addition to transportation charges, freight carriers may assess an additional oversize charge per package.